Hendricks County Soil & Water Conservation District
Congratulations to the Hendricks County Soil & Water Conservation District on receiving the 2022 District Showcase Award for the Porter Farm. The Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts honored the District for its efforts toward a unique purpose as a cooperative veteran training farm and demonstration space. With conservation practices in mind and farmed by veteran tenants, the farm produces vegetables, meat chickens, sheep, berries, and honey. According to the Hendricks County Soil & Water Conservation District’s website, the products are maintained and grown with cover crops, no-till, mulching, and rotational grazing. Porter Farms and features native plants for pollinators and raingarden to improve water infiltration and water quality.
To check out upcoming workshops, visit the Hendricks County Soil & Water Conservation District’s website by clicking here and scrolling down to Porter Farm.
To watch the showcase award video, click here. Video Description, courtesy of the IN Association SWCD’s YouTube Page – “Porter Farm, located in Hendricks County central Indiana, is featured in this showcase award video. This farm is a partnership between the Hendricks County SWCD, the Stamper Family and the Indiana Veteran Farmer Coalition. Established in 2019 as a Veteran Training Farm, this location has been the site of many educational workshops on various conservation topics and healing and learning places for veterans.”
From Left to Right: Mike Starkey, Starkey Farms, Brownsburg, Hendricks County SWCD Supervisor; Bree Ollier, Resource Conservationist, Hendricks County SWCD; Jeff Healy, Banning Engineering, Hendricks County SWCD Supervisor; Teri Lents, Administrative Assistant / Office Manager, Hendricks County SWCD; Ethan Truax, Truax Farms, Lizton, Chair, Hendricks County SWCD Supervisor Board; Sara Creech, Blue Yonder Farm, North Salem, Hendricks County SWCD Supervisor and Indiana Veterans Coalition; Matt Williams, Soil Conservationist, Indiana Department of Agriculture, Upper White River Watershed; Dan Hovland, Acting State Conservationist, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service; Jerod Chew, District Conservationist, Danville, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service