Do you have problems with staffing your Building Department? How about questions or problems with Zoning and/or Planning? Banning Engineering can help you take care of your residents’ needs in these areas. Banning Engineering offers an on-call service to assist your staff in multiple areas revolving around your Planning and Building Department.
Banning Engineering helps with commercial and residential building inspections, zoning administration, planning, stormwater review, plan review, infrastructure inspections, and any other municipal-related administration. Banning employees have a wide array of experience working for small, local municipal governments. Our staff currently assists several small communities that do not have full-time staff or lack the funds to hire full-time staff.
We make weekly visits to communities, performing residential and commercial building inspections. We also review building plans and write permits for new projects in these communities. This work will usually include reviewing local zoning and assisting the community with enforcing the regulations in their ordinances. As needed, we can also assist with staff reports for your Plan Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals. Attending the Plan Commission and BZA meetings are also quite common. We can address questions the members have, as well as address the public concerns, face to face at these public meetings.
With planning and foresight, Banning Engineering can help small communities overcome problems with staffing and funding. These services ensure builders follow all the local, state, and federal rules on projects. Our on-call service provides guidance where there may otherwise be none.
~ Dennis Nail